Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Union Research Symposium

Today, we had the opportunity to present our research to the scholarship symposium at Union University. We had a very positive response to our work, and all of our anxieties were unwarranted! We enjoyed educating our anesthesia faculty on our new knowledge of malignant hyperthermia. The symposium was open to all areas of study and we even had questions from non-medical researchers. This was fun but challenging! Here are some pictures from our day!
My husband thought "Symposium" was a funny title so I had to share this picture with him
Our final mounted poster. It really turned out great

Our research group 3 - DNP - Anesthesia Students and 1- MSN - Education Student

The three anesthesia girls and my regular study buddies!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anesthesia Machine Check

Well, After 9 month of talking about anesthesia we are finally getting to start putting our hands on some anesthesia equipment! YAY!! Okay, I know I am a nerd, but I am seriously EXCITED to start doing anesthesia! So, today was our first day in the simulation lab and we learned our "pre-flight" checklist. As a pilot's wife I can really appreciate this important first step to a successful day! Here are some pictures from our first day in "the sim." Much like flying, medicine has developed a similar education tool to help develop and perfect technique and emergency procedures. In anesthesia, "the simulator" is a mannequin that is very life like and has vital signs (HR, RR, BP, etc...). Our instructors can control the sim and allow him to respond to our actions. We also have actual anesthesia machines that we use to deliver our anesthetic to the sim. REALLY COOL technology!

Here I am.. Excited to get started doing anesthesia

My classmates (and the only other "Okie") in my class

My trusty sim partner

They think I am nerd ;)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


One of the things I love about Union University is the core-values - Christ Centered, People Focused, Excellence Driven, and Future Directed. Each step of our education at Union focuses on these values. Our current technology course focuses on the future direction of health care and prepares us for the increasing importance of technology in our field. Union does an excels in all of these areas, but one of the things that sets us a part is being Christ-Centered. We have an amazing group of Godly professors at Union who are not only experts in their field but mentors in their faith. With the season of Easter upon and our last class period before breaking for Easter, we received an unexpected anatomy/pathology lesson. Our course instructor is a veterinary by trade but a skilled anatomist and has spent numerous hours in the cadaver lab perfecting various techniques to aid his teaching. After finishing our lecture on the pathology of the respiratory system, Dr. Wamble shared with us the physiology of the crucifixion. This lecture truly prepared my heart for the real reason for Easter and helped me to focus on the amazing grace of God! One of my classmates happened to be recording the lecture, and I think it is too awesome not to share! Enjoy & Happy Easter!

How thankful I am for His mercy! What an awesome season! After class I was able to travel home to Oklahoma again, and enjoy a wonderful Easter celebration with family.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


We are currently taking Advanced Research/Evidence-Based Practice. In this course, we are learning basic principles necessary to review literature, determine credibility, and compile a literature review. Throughout the course, we have had reading assignments which prepare us to complete a literature review of a topic of our choosing with a group. Our group consisted of three DNP anesthesia students and DNP education student who is an OR nurse. One of our nurses is a trauma nurse at The MED and we found the incidence of malignant hyperthermia in trauma patients to be a particularly interesting topic. We are looking forward to presenting our research at the scholarship symposium on April 29th at Union University.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

OANA Meeting

I had a fabulous educational conference in Oklahoma! I enjoyed meeting the great group of anesthetists located in the state, and I am excited to join the ranks of the highly skilled group of professionals I met there, and I learned a lot about the politics of anesthesia and the job market in Oklahoma. The conference had a great day crammed pack of great lectures! Although, my lack of practical anesthesia knowledge left be a little lost in some of them! Overall, it was a great day and well worth my time and trip to Oklahoma!
And, Grandma did not complain too much! This is what the kiddos did while Mommy was learning!